A Heavenly Christmas Display

The Woods Behind Our House – December 2018


It was 2:00 A.M. when I was awaked to the sound of one of the dogs walking to the mudroom. When I didn’t hear him return I figured he needed to go outside. A bit begrudgingly I crawled out of bed and slipped on my bath robe. I grabbed my flashlight and walked to the mudroom to find Scout standing at the door. As I opened the door Trooper fell into line and followed Scout outside. It was still dark since the boys movement did not trigger the motion detector on the porch light. As I leaned out the door to wave my hand and turn on the light, I noticed that the woods behind our home displayed the most beautiful Christmas lights.

The early morning sky was dark but clear. The tops of the tall trees, a silhouette against the sky, were embellished with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of white lights. A glorious sight it was. The stars, though millions of miles, away appeared as though they were strung on wires that were woven throughout the tree tops.

It was only for a moment that I observed this stunning display as it disappeared when my movement made the porch light come on. As I crawled back in bed this vision lingered in my mind, erasing any resentment I felt for be awakened at such an early hour, and replacing it with gratitude for being witness to this Heavenly phenomenon.

Thanks for reading.


** The photo at the top is the same tree tops but taken at an earlier hour. I do not have a camera capable of capturing a photo of stars at night.**

9 thoughts on “A Heavenly Christmas Display

  1. What a beautiful post Ruth – sometimes it is a matter of being at the right place and the right time, and yes, it was so much easier to snuggle back down into bed, having witnessed Nature’s own twinkling Christmas lights!

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