Summer Sewing

I’m trying to develop my sewing skills and the only way I know to do that is to practice. Over the summer I made a few projects. Take a look.

The first was this red crossover tank top. It was a fairly easy project and I am pleased with the way it turned out.

This grey cardigan was a fairly easy project as well. I love the knit fabric it is made out of, as it was easy to work with and is comfortable to wear.

The red tank top even pairs well with the grey cardigan.

When I wore this striped hooded pullover at our family picnic three of my daughters decided I should make it for them. They told me what colors they would like and I told them “Christmas is coming”.

This beautiful black with yellow flowers has a cowl neck (it’s hard to tell in the photo). I’ve always liked wearing a cowl neckline. I have to give my sister credit for making most of this though. Recently while visiting I was visiting her we were looking through fabrics and patterns. She then showed me this shirt that she had mostly finished but given up on because she didn’t like the way it fit her. When I tried it on I loved the way it fit. I also loved the print.

I brought it home and finished sewing the second cuff on and hemmed the bottom. I now have some new fall attire and a list of things I need to make before Christmas. 🙂

20 thoughts on “Summer Sewing

  1. Good for you Ruth. The cardigan will be perfect for our cooler weather this weekend before you turn on the furnace (or fireplace). I used to sew my own clothes in high school as they did not have “tall” clothing in those days. If I went to the store, pants were too short and sleeves were too short so this was the next best thing. My mom did the “finishing” like hems and even basting in sleeves and then joked “I bet you go to school and say YOU made this yourself!”

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    1. Was she right? LOL. Yes I’m afraid cardigan is fast approaching though I’d rather it still be tank top weather. I would probably make a couple more if the nice weather was going to be around for a while.

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      1. Yes, she was right Ruth. All I had to do was thread the needle for her as she’d keep missing the eye. Good thing I didn’t laugh or tease her about that – I have to take off my glasses to thread a needle and have to try many times! Its been pouring here and we’re getting about 1 1/2 inches tomorrow morning. Then, they say the real Fall might be here. It got to 80 today!


      2. I was surprised how gray it was, the rain stopped and the day was salvaged. I had no expectations when I got up and figured it would be like yesterday. (I’m turning into a doomsayer!)


      3. Yes and it will be a beautiful week! Probably the Summer-like weather ends after this. It started out gray, but I got a painting project finally done … every weekend, I could not get two days in a row to not rain, not be humid and not be too hot!

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