Monthly Inspiration

Hello and welcome. April is here, (no fooling-🤣) so it is time for our monthly inspiration.

I shall pass through this world but once, any good therefor, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.

This quote is most commonly attributed to Stephen Grellet, but it is uncertain whether he or someone else deserves the credit. Regardless, it is the sentiment that is important, and I would like to live my life with this intention. Shouldn’t we all?

Thanks for visiting.

11 thoughts on “Monthly Inspiration

  1. That IS a worthy quote to remember, Ruth. I’m copying it into my quote journal. Thank you for sharing it with us! We often think self-gratifying pursuits will bring us the most pleasure. But Jesus made clear: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). I don’t think his statement applied just to money, but to anything we give: time, effort, gifts, and more. The good we accomplish has a ripple effect too! God has given us a great privilege to be a part of his work, including in these ways.

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  2. I have always liked that quote Ruth. I immediately thought of the song “We may never pass this way again” by Seals and Crofts. I hope you don’t have a lot of planting done already with this pounding rain.

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      1. Okay, that’s good then Ruth. I remember garlic is planted in the Fall, like flower bulbs. You had that happen before, everything got “wet feet” … the weather is so unpredictable anymore.

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