A Blessed Weekend

Before we get to the weekend I have to tell you what happened Thursday. I was standing on our deck when I saw this family of geese walking down the sidewalk in front of our house. I was caught a bit off guard. I have seen geese walk through our neighborhood on a couple of occasions and it always seems strange. This is the first time I have seen them with a gosling. As soon as I saw them I ran in the house for my camera, but by the time I returned they were nearly out of sight. They were headed for a ditch that runs through our community. I pointed my camera, pushed the zoom button to the max and clicked in their direction. I am surprised that I got a decent shot of them.

Looks like a fun family outing.

IMG_4963 (2)

Saturday was the craft sale at Special Dreams Farm and what a great day it was. Like all outdoor events weather is always a concern but this day was blessed. The weather was variable, sweat shirt weather for sure – sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny, sometimes calm and sometimes windy but not a drop of rain fell on us and considering how many rainy days we have had this spring we were most thankful for a dry day.

Even better than the weather was the company. I was set up between my cousin Abbey and my sister Kathy. My sister Jamie and my cousin Laurie, Abbey’s Mom, were also there. I guess we could call it a family affair.


This was Abbey’s first craft sale. In fact I believe it is the first time she has sold any of her art work. Some of her pieces were painted, some were done in pencil and others were done with a wood burner.


I think she is very talented

IMG_4966and judging from how many pieces she sold I would say that shoppers agreed.


Like Abbey, I had a good day for sales. My dehydrated Garlic Granules and Garlic Dill Dip Mix were both big hits.


Kathy sells memory bears that are custom made. Customers provide the garments, usually shirts, that she makes into bears. Often these are done in memory of a loved one who has passed away and the clothing would be something that was worn by that person, other times they may commemorate a special place or event.

There was a steady stream of shoppers throughout the day, some of which included more family members and friends, and many who were there to support this wonderful organization.

I received a follow up email from the Director of Special Dreams Farm thanking me for attending and saying that they are planning to hold this event again next year. I will definitely plan on being there.

Sunday we had glorious weather and the icing on the cake was that my husband had the day off from work. We spent the day together just catching up on things that needed to be done. We potted some more of the plants that he had brought home and made sure all of the plants had water. He got the small lawn mower going and I cut the grass at the house, while he cleaned the chicken coop. He also got the riding mower going at the farm, but the grass there was too wet (muddy) to cut. It’s hard to say when I will be able to start cutting the grass at the farm because today brought more rain.

I didn’t take many pictures of our Sunday activities. In fact I only have this one to share.


Our cherry tree has begun to blossom, and while I enjoy the beautiful blossoms I will be praying for a good cherry crop this year.

Thanks for reading and I hope your weekend was blessed as well.



28 thoughts on “A Blessed Weekend

  1. Aw so fun you saw the Geese! I was taken aback when a family almost stepped into my running path- I didn’t even see them until last minute and had no idea where they came from because there was absolutely no water anywhere!!

    I am amazed by the talent at this craft show!! WOW! The creativity and love put into each of these pieces is evident and beautiful. Thanks for sharing, Ruth!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my – a near collision. I can imagine that would be startling.
      There were actually about twenty vendors – selling various crafts I just didn’t get pictures of the others. That’s the thing about crafting – you do it because you LOVE it. It’s not a way to get rich. 🙂

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  2. Aww, I guess geese like their family outings too!
    The craft sale sounds fab, and I’m glad the weather stayed decent and dry. Well done to Abbey selling her art! Sounds like you had a good day of sales too. And it’s lovely you had an email from the Director afterwards. Sounds like a very positive weekend 🙂
    Caz xx

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    1. It is pretty amazing that the weekend was so nice because we have had more rain this week.
      I am so happy that Abbey is selling her artwork. She is so talented.
      Thanks for stopping by Caz ♥

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  3. Loved reading about your weekend. My son sent us a photo of a goose perched on top their apartment building in a city! I think, as a farm boy, he kind of liked having a goose come around.
    Your craft fair sounds like such fun and I love the photo of the cherry blossoms. I keep watching my apple tree…it is getting so close to blooming.

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    1. One morning when my husband went to the farm he said he could hear geese but didn’t see them anywhere. Finally he looked up and a pair of them were perched on top of the barn. That must have been a funny sight. I usually don’t see geese that high up unless they are flying.

      I have mixed feelings about wanting the apple blossoms to open. We are starting five new bee hives this Friday and apple blossoms would be great food for them but the way the weather has been I don’t want them to open too early the get hit with a frost or freeze. I just have to remember that God knows what we need. 🙂

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    1. Thanks! A few years back there was a whole flock of geese (about 20) just walking down our street like they owned it. It looked like a gang of rowdy teenagers. One of them (presumably a male) was honking very loudly, apparently a warning to stay away. It was quite amusing.


      1. Heh. Reminds me of my GPs farm on US Hwy. 70. There was a large pond on the other side of the highway and 100s of geese would land everywhere. They walked all over the farm, blocked traffic on 70 and honked, loudly. Fun to watch & my GM always pointed out that it was bug control & soil enrichment.

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  4. Your shot of the ducks is great! 🙂 It sounds like you had a great weekend! The memory bears are such a sweet idea. I’ve never seen that before. Congratulations on your sales!


  5. I enjoyed the “family” shot Ruth and that pretty cherry tree blossom at the end as well … you sure were lucky to have good weather for the craft sale. Initially they said it would rain on Saturday morning so you were lucky it did not. It seems we plan too much around the weather these days. Today was another ugly weather day. I did not even go run the car as it was raining so hard – I wrote a post for tomorrow instead. At least you got to spend some time with your husband on Sunday, even if it involved on catching up on chores as well.

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    1. I told my husband that I was puzzled that there was only one gosling but he said with all the feral cats and other predators in the area it is not surprising. Maybe this family was relocating to try to protect the young one.
      I always enjoy watching that cherry tree this time of year. It grows right next to our deck so I can observe it’s transformation daily. Two years ago we had a bumper crop from it and I made several cherry pies and my neighbor even picked some and made a pie. Last year we had zero cherries
      😦 . I am really hoping I’ll be making cherry pie this year.
      We did have a great time together on Sunday. It wasn’t all work – we even took a (1/2 hour) power nap after lunch. Even the parts that involve work were fun because we do work well together and because the weather was so delightful. 🙂

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      1. I thought it was odd there was only one too Ruth, and wondered if one egg had not hatched yet. That’s too bad if a feral cat got one. I finally saw goslings this morning and took a lot of pictures. This family had five or six in it and I couldn’t get them all in one picture – they were spread out all over this one area and they sure were cute. Last year we had three families at the Park, all born at different times, so we had three stages of goslings at one time. We’d see them grazing in the center of the perimeter path and could identify each of the families. I will do a post on the goslings later this week in conjunction with Mother’s Day. I get a kick out of them, especially when they are very young and look like balls of fluff. These could run pretty fast. One of the parents headed down to the water and I saw goslings running with its big feet after the parent when it got behind the others (just like a kid).

        Hopefully this erratic weather did not doom your cherry tree – remember a few years ago when we had the early Spring, then it got cold again? I remember it zapped all the flowering trees, especially the magnolias which buds just died on the branch. My Weeping Japanese Maple was planted in 1985 and it got frost burn on all the leaves – there were a mixture of their normal color (burgundy) and this rust color. It wasn’t just my tree – every one of those trees I saw in the various neighborhoods looked the same. Sunday was just a gorgeous day – this morning was not bad either, unexpected sunshine but still in my Winter coat, 41 degrees and a 37 degree windchill on the 8th of May is ridiculous isn’t it? Watch us launch into some wicked heat and humidity like happened last year around Memorial Day.

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      2. I think that was the same year that the orchards up here lost their peach crops. They had to import peaches from other states to have them for the Romeo Peach Festival.
        Can’t wait to see you gosling pictures.

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      3. Wow I didn’t know that. I listen to WWJ every morning and Robert Jasina, one of the morning anchors, lives in Romeo. She always talks about Romeo and what a quaint little town it is, and she always talks about how fun the Romeo Peach Festival is. I’m going to upload them shortly – hope they turned out.

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