Duck Tales

Those of you who were around last summer might remember that in July we had a duck who spend a few weeks visiting our pond.

Well it seems she enjoyed her visit so much that she decided to return this year (at least I am assuming it is the same duck). This year she decided to bring her family.

It was around the first of August that my husband came home from the farm and told me that there was a mother duck with four babies swimming in the pond. “No daddy,” he added.

For the past two plus weeks I have been trying with little success to get some good photos of them. Each time I approach the pond Momma directs her young to quickly swim away, so all of my pictures are taken from a great distance using the zoom feature of my camera. Their colors also blend in with the environment. It may be to their advantage in nature to be somewhat camouflaged, but it is not a recipe for clear photos.

It has been amusing watching the family.

Sometimes they will be calmly swimming along and suddenly one from the rear will zip past the others and take the lead. So cute! πŸ™‚

Other times they will be feeding and all I can see is a mound, or several mounds, of tail feathers sticking up out of the water. Too Funny!

Last weekend they had disappeared. We thought that they had probably moved on. Then on Wednesday, while I was working in the prayer garden, I heard the unmistakable quacking of a duck followed by a splash. When I turned to look I saw the duck family had just entered the water and were being followed by Ranger. He apparently had come across them while sniffing around in the woods but they didn’t want to play. He followed them into the water and even though he is a very good swimmer he lost sight of them because he cannot turn his head to look around while he is swimming. Ranger enjoyed his swim across the pond then went on searching for other adventures, and the duck family spent the rest of the evening paddling around in the pond.

At the time of this posting it has been a few days since I have seen the Duck family. Perhaps they have now moved on for the season but I’m not yet ready to assume that is the case.

Thanks for visiting and until next time Be Well. πŸ™‚

26 thoughts on “Duck Tales

  1. I remember that duck Ruth and it must have thought β€œI like this pond and I’m returning next year when I have kids.” I’m glad they returned for you Ruth. I was figuring I wouldn’t see ducklings and have been blessed to see them several times over. I like your husband alerting you to the family and adding β€œno daddy.” πŸ™‚ I like the first picture the best that shows the reflection on the water. I’ll bet since it was cool this week, they are making themselves scarce at the pond as they don’t need cooling off. I wonder what Ranger thought of these babies?

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      1. I’ll bet they return to the pond, although if they are molting, they’ll likely seek a safe haven to wait until they can fly again. Ranger has lots of love to give … bet that is because you adopted him as a shelter pet. I think shelter pets are eternally grateful to the people who saved them.

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      2. They are glad for their furever home. I decided to do a virtual Mutt Strut walk again this year. I liked it last year. It is for a big no-kill shelter in Dearborn and I decided to do it as they said they had so many pets this year that people could not keep due to lost jobs/income. Did you hear there was a minor earthquake (3.2 on Richter scale – originally 3.4 but they just reclassified it)? I could feel it – I’m about 25 or so miles away. Mother Nature has a bee in her bonnet. It was at 6:55 tonight.

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      3. We just got in from the farm – I hadn’t heard about it. My sister who moved to N/E Tennessee earlier this year felt the one in North Carolina a couple weeks ago. They live 50 some mile from the epicenter.
        It’s great that you are helping out the shelter Linda. It’s so sad to see them there.

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      4. They downsized it to a 3.2 later. I heard the screen door rattle which happened when we had the meteor strike and the earthquake in 2018. That earthquake was a little stronger and I felt the rumble under my feet. I thought this was a heavy truck going down the street. That’s incredible that N/E Tennessee felt a earthquake based in North Carolina and that far away. They want dog walkers too – nope, not going to do that, even though as a walker, it would work out fine. Not coming home with a furry friend!

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      5. I know, so I’ll stay away … I know myself and dogs. I never had a cat before and I’m allergic though I’ve been on allergy shots for years, maybe no more allergies to cats? But dogs … that would be tough.

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    1. I’m glad you liked it Faye! I think one of the most delightful thing in nature is seeing parents raising their young.
      P.S. I’ve missed seeing your posts and comments. Last night while I was working in the Prayer Garden you came to mind so I said a prayer for you. I hope all is well. β™₯

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    1. I’m so glad this was your pick-me-up for today. πŸ™‚ I’m just not gonna tell Ranger that you said Ducks Rock because he thinks he Rocks. LOL! (He is right of course)


    1. I’m just glad they were not around when they were newly hatched little fluff balls. We probably would have fell in love with them. β™₯ Ranger seems to just enjoy life. He is so much fun – can’t help but love him!


    1. We have seen cycles like that with some other birds – the Green Heron seems to show up in the late summer every year. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this Momma brings her family again next year.

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    1. I’m sure Momma was just protecting her young. I get that. I just read that in most breeds of ducks males do not generally help brood the young because their bright plumage might attract predators. So all that work is left to the female.

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